



Some of us are Born with a job built in.

We can fight it all we want, but for many creatives our profession is our calling. I should’ve known it was mine, it's in my blood after all.

My grandfather was a self-taught commercial artist and, for awhile, owned his own agency. I grew up playing with Legos for hours on end, lettered in drafting in High School (my iso drawings were killer), and later flourished in the ComDes program at Texas State.

The continued success I’ve experienced as a professional can largely be credited to the investments of great mentors, my inquisitive nature, being an autodidact, and a heaping dose of gumption.

KSheep is crafted from the marriage of design (the letter K represents black in the CMYK print process) and being unapologetically odd. A black sheep must own it’s wool, because to be without it is to blend in and be forgotten.

Normal is bland and boring, and if there’s one thing to avoid in design it’s being boring. Normal isn’t memorable. Oddities, however, pull us out from the mundane, engage our senses, and create differentiation.

For more than 13 years I’ve created this kind of work for brands ranging from Fortune 10 companies and large restaurant chains to small businesses and passion projects for local churches.